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HI! I am Cam and this is my family! We are the Davendorks. I have been collecting succulents for awhile now and I made every mistake in the book. I hope this site provides a resource to help you in your succulent collecting journey. 


I live in Utah with my family. I love to climb, backpack, canyoneer and play outside. I also love plants, especially succulents! I have had a career in health and wellness for over 15 years but after getting diagnosed with my own autoimmune issues, I decided it was time for a change so I can heal myself.
Here I am! Starting a plant business during a pandemic. It sure has been wild but getting those ESSENTIAL plant mail boxes during all this has made it all better. I want to do the same with you! I promise to deliver high quality, high customer service from my mailbox to yours.

Thank you so much again for supporting my family business! Plant mail is the BESTTTTT mail!


Paco is a succulent character designed by a friend. #followpaco as he brings succulent joy to others. We all need Paco in our lives!


Thank you again for supporting our family business.


In Gratitude,


The Davendorks

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